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Demonstration about $0 domain backorder

更新时间:2021-04-13  浏览次数:55277次

To show our appreciation to our premium customer, we have roll out $0 backorder feature to better assist our client in securing their preferred domains.


1. Our website will auto-allocate some high-quality expired domain names daily and provides $0 backorder booking opportunities.

2. On how to filter $0 domain selection, Steps as below:

a. On the website, click on [Dropcatch] to get into [Expired Domain Query] webpage.

b. Click on [0 Cost], and the system will automatically filter out a list of domain names for you. Screenshot as below.

3. How to check if a domain name cost $0 for backorder?

a. Click on [Control Panel], under the Dropcatch column you will find [Add Domain Backorder]. click into the link.

b. In the domain field, input desired domain name, then hover your cursor and click on any blank area on the screen, the status will appear as per below if such domain name support $0 backorder.

If you still have any queries, do not hesitate to go Livechat and reach out to our CS for support.

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